
November 8, 2023

Week 10 — Wednesday: The Best Part Of The Day!

Psalm 5:1-3 

I love the mornings! We are blessed to have a kitchen window that faces the East, and on clear days we can see the Sierras. I love seeing the morning change from darkness to light. I love seeing the beauty the Lord paints each morning as a day begins. I love the quietness and the beauty of the morning. And I love to begin my day with the Lord. 

One of the themes that runs through the scriptures is that the first of everything belongs to the Lord. My father, when I was a teenager, encouraged me that the first day of the week belongs to the Lord, the first part of my income belongs to the Lord, the first part of my day belongs to the Lord, the first part of our harvest belongs to the Lord, etc. He taught me that I can do more on the 90% of what is left when the Lord receives the first part than if I had the whole. My father was not wrong! 

King David had the habit of coming to the Lord in the morning (Psalm 5:3; 55:17; 88:13). Abraham had the habit of arising early to stand before the Lord (Genesis 19:27), and Jesus sought out His Heavenly Father in the morning (Mark 1:35). While we can seek the Lord any time of day (Matthew 14:23; Luke 3:21; John 6:15), there is something special, before the day gets busy and hectic, when we begin our day with the Lord and seek His direction for the day. 

Such a habit can be challenging to develop. It may mean reordering one’s day so that we can have a purposeful quiet time before the kids get up, shower and dress for work, and life gets busy. But in doing so, we will find that the best part of the day is that time with the Lord.


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